Reporting to the user that Java is not working

(Apple Problem ID# 3575733)

    The box below contains a simple Java Applet that should display "Hello world" on a light purple background.  If Java does not work the box should show the words "Java does not work".

Java does not work (outside APPLET) 

Both the ALT attribute and text outside the APPLET tag are needed to support Netscape and Internet Explorer, but Safari doesn't work either way.

Outside APPLET:

From ALT:

Doesn't work:

Another approach using an image does not seem to work in Safari either, as shown here.  But using the image as a background, shown here, works for Safari, Internet Explorer and Netscape but does not work for Lynx.  A version using the ALT attribute, shown here, works for Lynx but not for Netscape.

HTML applet tags used on this page:

<APPLET code="Hello.class" WIDTH=130 HEIGHT=40 alt="Java does not work (from ALT)">Java does not work (outside APPLET)</APPLET>

Java applet source code:  

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class Hello extends Applet {

public void init() 
    setBackground(new Color(225,225, 255));

public void paint(Graphics g)
    g.drawString("Hello world", 25 , 25);